Hello World! My name is

Mayank Bharati.I build things from web and into Quantitative Finance.

I'm an India based software developer with a goal-driven creative mindset and passion for learning and innovating.
I'm an electronics and communication engineering student at Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad, India specializing in developing exceptional, High quality Machine Learning models, Quantitative finance models and Web Applications and tools. Outside work, I occasionally blog on Medium.

01.About Me

Hello! My name is Mayank Bharati and I enjoy creating things that live on the internet and Quantitative Finance. I got introduced to programming in my freshman year at Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad where I completed my Bachelors in Electronics and Coomunications Engineering (2020-2024) with 8.33 CGPA.

I'm a passionate creator who loves to use my coding skills to make a positive impact. When I'm not immersed in the world of technology, I enjoy embarking on culinary adventures, tinkering with electronics, and occasionally indulging in underrated TV series.

My commitment to open source projects is unwavering, and I take pleasure in both building and contributing to these initiatives. Teaching and assisting others is a source of joy for me.

Here are a few technologies I have been working with recently:

  • JavaScript (ES6+)
  • C++/C
  • Spring MVC & Maven
  • Kafka & Couchbase
  • Quantitative finance
  • Python
  • Jupyter Notebook
  • React
  • Node.js
  • TypeScript
  • MongoDB
  • Tailwindcss

02.Where I have Worked

  • Casual Academics
  • Academic
  • Rakuten India
  • IIIC Incubation Center

Academics Quantitative Backtesting@Casual Academics

May 2023 - July 2023

  • Developing market-neutral, medium frequency alphas based on macroeconomic trends backed by academic research.
  • Applying machine learning algorithms such as Regression, PCA, K-Means for building profitable strategies out of the signals. Establish parameters and develop system framework, including assessing and developing benchmark and rules-based execution strategies.
  • Skills - Quantitative Finance, Financial Data, Data Science, Algorithmic Trading, Statistics, Futures Trading, Machine Learning, Quantitative Research, Python, C++.

03.Some Things I have Built


Featured Project

Chest X-ray Federated Learning

The Chest X-ray Federated Learning project is a Python-based implementation of federated learning techniques applied to chest X-ray images. It aims to enable collaborative learning across multiple healthcare institutions while preserving data privacy.

  • Python
  • Jupyter Notebook
  • Pytorch

Featured Project

Quant Trading

This project focusing on a quantitative trading strategy utilizing the "Golden Cross" and "Death Cross" principles with Exponential Moving Averages (EMA). This strategy, gaining prominence in recent years, is used by traders to target substantial returns. The project implements and assesses the strategy, comparing its performance to a traditional buy-and-hold approach in the equity, forex, and cryptocurrency markets.

  • Jupyter Notebook
  • Python
  • Supervised ML
  • Dynamic Time Wrapping

Featured Project


We Build "Drona", addressing coding challenges in developing countries. Drona has three parts:
1. Code Grabber: Snap and upload handwritten code to run it in a compiler.
2. Question Bank: Crowdsourced questions for practice, reducing teacher workload.
3. Opportunity Notifications: Stay updated on internships, scholarships, and more.
Drona simplifies coding education for all.

  • Android-Native
  • Java
  • MVVM
  • Retrofit
  • Jetpack
  • Vercel Deployment

04. What’s Next?

Get In Touch

I’m currently Eagerly looking for any new opportunities and my inbox is always open. Whether you have a question or just want to say hi, I’ll try my best to get back to you!